Strategic Management Priorities
The State of Missouri’s 17 Cabinet Departments are committed to providing a state government that is more focused, more efficient, and delivers better results for its citizens. The State of Missouri Cabinet team has developed a management change agenda to improve how our government operates. Like any other organization, improving government performance requires clear priorities.
Strategic Management Priorities:

A department’s overall goal for the next 5 or more years.

A department’s main “chapters” or lines of effort to achieve the overall Aspiration.

A department’s high priority initiatives to advance its Themes and Aspiration. These priority initiatives are usually completed in 1 year or less. Departments will launch new initiatives as needed.
To understand our Department’s strategic management priorities, please see their placemats below.
We will accelerate change across state government with superior services and support.
We will protect and promote Missouri’s agriculture industry by doing MORE.
We will educate and advocate for Missourians as well as regulate fairly and impartially insurance entities, banks, credit unions, utilities, and professional licensees.
We will ensure Missouri is a national treasure for fish, forest, and wildlife resources.
We will develop innovative approaches to improving student outcomes and increasing public institutions’ performance.
We will promote economic vitality, safety, and fairness for Missouri’s businesses and workers.
We will be nationally recognized in policy-making, treatment, and services for individuals with mental illness, substance use disorders, and developmental disabilities.
We will help Missouri citizens thrive by managing natural resources to promote a healthy environment and economy.
We will assist the citizens and businesses of Missouri to meet their obligations.
We will lead the nation in building the capacity of individuals, families, and communities to secure and sustain healthy, safe, and productive lives.
We will provide a world-class transportation system that is safe, innovative, reliable, and dedicated to a prosperous Missouri.
We will collaborate to provide a proactive approach for the public safety of Missourians.
Please visit the Departments’ websites for
additional information